Potentially Or Reality

A kid comes home from school one day and asks his dad
what the difference is between potential and reality.
The dad says, "here is a way to find out the difference.

Go ask your mom this question --- If someone would give you a million dollars
to sleep with Robert Redford, would you do it?
Then go ask your sister If someone would give you a million dollars
to sleep with Brad Pitt, would you do it?"

So the son asked his Mom and she replied
"Yes I would, but don't tell your Dad that!"

He then went to ask his sister, and his sister said
"Hell yes!!"

So the son went back to his dad and his Dad asked,
"Well,what did you find out?"

"Well, Dad" the son replied, "potentially we're sitting on 2 million bucks,
but in reality, we're living with a couple of sluts."

Hahahaha! Take Me back To The Rubber Room!

Questions? Comments? E-Mail Red at red419@yahoo.com

Thanks for all your help Blackat!